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Exchange $

Once we have the method of distribution with a defined philosophy that can help a society point TRUE NORTH** and a method of organization that will perpetuate this Federalist 2.0 philosophy, an ability to evaluate the people and the culture against the Federalist 2.0 philosophy, and the ability to finance this effort through a Membership Model, and we have a way to support those individuals that further the Federalist 2.0 philosophy and overall goals, we need a mechanism to support products these individuals produce. 


​In this section we will concern ourselves with the need and opportunity to fund those products produced by socially active supporters as well as the politicians that have taken the Certification and follow the Federalists 2.0 Philosophy. So, we now come to the notion of fair exchange, there is a need to provide a mechanism for those that have products and services to be able to sell those within this environment to ensure that they are properly supported and do not risk being de-platformed or de-listed. So as our goals we are needing to determine how we can properly implement the necessary tool to ensure we provide an easy to use and competitively priced products purchasing platform (also known as an eCommerce platform) and tool, as such the following framework is critical for success:

  1. Utilize a portion of the Membership funds to support the building and maintenance of the Product/Services Platform

  2. Minimized costs for participants and providers would allow a Cost Only Solution

  3. The platform should provide mechanisms that:

    1. Provide tools for providers to use on their own sites/systems​

    2. Provide tools for providers to launch and manage products on other networks (Amazon, eBay, etc.)

Through this mechanism we could provide a easy to use platform that would allow supporters of the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy a single place to manage and launch their product offerings. This would allow participants to manage the following:

1) Reducing their costs

2) Increase productivity across outlets

The following are some news articles that articulate the general challenge providing conservative products in a marketplace and the risks of being "de-platformed" or removed from the product offering of sites such as Amazon and eBay. These risks as well as the overall margin ($) these sites require, provide a consistent business case to create a platform that can be used within the Federalist 2.0 eco-system and used across platforms. This tool would not have to be built but could be used from a series of products that exist that provide the services that an e-Commerce site would provide. There could be an arrangement where the Federalist 2.0 team would buy the rights of the code base to use over time or better yet, the team could use an open-source version of the code base to implement these services.

1) The following are some articles about building your own e-Commerce site and the associated options in doing so:


NOTE: Within this framework we can see that there are a number of open-source e-commerce solutions at this moment in 2019. These options are attractive at this time to ensure that the Federalist 2.0 team can control all aspects of the solution so that there would be no pressure to remove someone (De-platform) them based on their alignment of their goals to the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy. Within this approach the overall challenge is the control of technology by other users and allows us to ask this question, "What E-Commerce solution would allow someone to create a product E-Commence platform that would not allow politically motivated decisions to restrict or prevent a user from selling their products/services?" This next section would be focused on the proposed attributes for choosing such an e-commerce system.

2) The following are some of the selection considerations that should be addressed when picking an e-commerce system. The following articles outline the different factors that are important for choosing such a platform:

NOTE: For the Federalist 2.0 point of view all these items should be considered and listed for the selection process and there should be additional items such as risk of being targeted for de-platforming as well as throttling if there is a political action or intent to restrict or stop the use of the Federalist 2.0 site due to dis-agreements with the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy. These items and more allow us to pose this question, "What are the critical factors for an eCommerce site such that those that follow the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy cannot be removed from the site?"

3) The following articles show how easily someone can formalize the declaration and definition of what is "Hate Speech" to defining what this means translating to targeting those groups that might have engaged in some set of said transgressions. The challenge is that once you set this precedence and approach, it becomes easy to define the lines ever more to your political advantage. And what one year might not be considered part of the group of Transgressions all of a sudden becomes part of the group of Transgressions to harm your political opponent. Do not get us wrong here about some of these groups. Some are very vile (and are not consistent with the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy) and we cannot support them and their actions. Overall, these articles map out the impact of this effort as well as the mechanisms that make it happen:

NOTE: It becomes clear now, the mechanisms that are being put into play to set up a guard around those networks (Google, Apple, Amazon, etc.) that have defined the overall approach to Social Media and how the talking heads and politicians look to raise money or become more independent. This leads us to the final question, "Is there a philosophy that can be deployed that would protect or counter this agreement that voices must be controlled, and if so, what is the closest approach that could succeed in doing so?" From the Federalist 2.0 perspective, this platform and approach we have defined in the Federalist 2.0 world should be able to define this kind of philosophy.

With this as the context we then can come to our 13th Question:

Question 13: What E-Commerce solution would allow someone to create a product E-Commence platform that would not allow politically motivated decisions to restrict or prevent a user from selling their products/services? Also, what are the critical factors for an eCommerce site such that those that follow the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy cannot be removed from the site? Finally, is there a philosophy that can be deployed that would protect or counter this agreement that voices must be controlled, and if so, what is the closest approach that could succeed in doing so?

As such, we must then push forward one of the natural theories of societies:

Theory 13: A technology company that does not subscribe to a philosophy of freedom and liberty will be controlled by a philosophy of fascism at some point in their existence  - A technology company that is not held to a philosophy or concept of a consistent governance structure will be bound to the whims and desires of those they are dependent upon for their own business survival (Eventually can become the Political Class/Group if they become primary board members and investors). This results in setting up technology that ensures a financial gain to those who are supporting the technology company, even to the detriment of the company.

NOTE: These theories should be scrutinized within the scientific method such that we can hone in on a God given truth, and allow that truth to be more accurate as time passes.

Within this context then, we must initiate a method that can combat this theory. This method must utilize the existing approaches and techniques that itself is attempting to combat. This method must be flexible and allow a society to make errors and mistakes such that they always make policy decisions that head TRUE NORTH**.

Method 13:  Within the context of the Federalist 2.0 philosophy, there is a need to develop a technology tool that will allow citizens to support the Federalist 2.0 Philosophy at the product exchange level (eCommerce) to ensure products are freely available to ensure individuals are supported for ensuring the culture is pointing toward a TRUE NORTH**.

When a set of ideas take hold in a community and those ideas lead to a political movement, inevitably this results in the restriction of speech and of commerce by said offenders. This cycle plays out in ANY country, organization or even in a family dynamic, such that having a clear set of beliefs and rules around those beliefs can propel a group or organization to action and ensure their supporters continue to support them over the long run.

**TRUE NORTH: The notion of a TRUE NORTH heading is the idea that there is a method of thought that is spiritual in nature that is morally sound within the context of God. This notion and belief in ONE TRUE GOD provides a moral approach to how the world is viewed and how cultural and political decisions can and should be made to minimize the pain some groups endure given a political class's governing approach. TRUE NORTH maximizes an individual's ability to cleanse their soul, sharpen their character and build a sustainable society through the generation of wealth.

The Federalist 2.0 philosophy advocates a peaceful approach when working within a society. Those that are members and certificate holders will take a vow to not use force to advance these concepts. There will be no discrimination against anyone no matter their color or sexual preference. This organization will never advocate for violence to advance these concepts. To see the full Non-Discrimination and Non-Violence Pledge please visit our About Page.
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